Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Oklahoma Senate Republicans vote aginst Economic Development

Yes that is exactly what happened in the Senate Appropriations Committee as the Republicans voted against moving Oklahoma forward and decided that the status quo is just fine. Education is necessary for economic development, why else are the 'tax burdened' states of New Jersey, Washington, New York, California experiencing such rapid economic growth. The answer: the education level of those states far exceed that of Oklahoma's education. Here is something to ponder, often people will talk about how great the suburban schools are, well they are no places of excellence. None of Oklahoma's suburban schools rank in the top 250 high schools according to Newsweek, maybe that is a sign of palaces built for athletics like Tulsa Union's college arena quality multipurpose center. Anyways it is proven the earlier that children attend the better off they are to compete in a global marketplace. So by not investing in the future we are helping to ensure that Oklahoma's next hundred years, Oklahoma will follow instead of lead. The odd thing is that the coasts were just taking note of Oklahoma's progress and talking about business investment as a result, but we wouldn't want good paying jobs anyways!

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Friday, February 16, 2007

Iraq Resolution

Dan Boren the Oklahoma delegation's lone democrat was the only Oklahoma Representative to vote for resolution disapproving of the decision of the president to deploy more than 20,000 additional combat troops to Iraq. The vote was 246-182, with 6 not voting. 229 Democrats and 17 Republicans supported the resolution.

While many conservatives viewed the non-binding resolution as a political maneuver, it did have some merits. First and foremost, is that is reestablishes the power of the legislative branch in policy making decisions. In a purely policy sense, trying a similar strategy as previous failures just doesn't make sense.

It seems likely that funding restrictions are next, this will really test the political will of politicians. An idea has been put out that would require benchmarks to be met to ensure funding. I think that this is a good idea; just because it is a war doesn't mean that the government shouldn't be held accountable for their spending. That is what I find most bothering is that reckless war spending that doesn't help our mission in Iraq is allowed to continue with little oversight. As a result of this out of control spending, the other programs in the federal government have been cut. The programs that worry me the most are within the Justice Department, until recent spending cuts, crime was down across the board. Now community policing (a highly successful crime prevention program) and other crime fighting programs have been cut. Several years of year progress could be reversed, I don't want this to be the America our troops come home to. Unless we reduce our spending on Iraq, our country is headed for dire times. Another area of Iraq spending is that government spending on Iraq does not have the same multiplier effect on our economy as domestic based spending, this will become very evident during a recession. It's time we get our financial house in order, because what we do today will have long term consequences.

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Moving Oklahoma's Primary Date?

Right now it seems like there is to much of a rush to front load the presidential primary contest. Efforts are being made in a bill authored by Rep. Trebor Worthen (R-OKC) to move the date of the primary from Tuesday Feb. 5th to Saturday Feb. 2nd. The idea seems like a good one because it will garner the state more attention from Presidential candidates. Oklahoma and South Carolina would be the same day on the Republican side, and the sooner state would be the only contest on the democratic side.

However on the democratic side this creates quite a problem because the Democratic National Committee passed a rule that will take away any delegates from a candidate who campaigns in a state (other than IA,NH,NV, and SC) that holds it's primary before Feb. 5th. So for democratic attention, it could serve as a deterrent rather than a impetus to campaign in Oklahoma. Ironically Chairman Howard Dean would be forcing the candidates not to take part in his '50 State Strategy' Right now it appears as if there would be no drawbacks on the Republican side.

It is unclear if lawmakers would opt for a Republican primary on the 2nd, and Democratic primary on the 5th. However that solution would double the costs.

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

What the nation thinks of Oklahoma.

Recently the State Chamber commissioned the pollster John Zogby to conduct a poll on the status of Oklahoma among non residents. The news overall is pretty good.

What is your overall view of the state of Oklahoma – very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable or are you not familiar enough to form an opinion?

Very favorable 13%
Somewhat favorable 34

Total Favorable 47%

Somewhat unfavorable 14%

Very unfavorable 3
Total Unfavorable 17%

Not familiar 31%

Not sure 6
However what is troubling is that 31 percent of people don't know enough about Oklahoma to have an opinion. This is a clear indicator, that Oklahomans should use our Centennial year to promote our state better.

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word Oklahoma?

Broadway musical “Oklahoma” 25%
Oklahoma City federal building bombing 24%
Oil, natural gas wells 6%

Oklahoma college football 5%
Native Americans, “Trail of Tears”, casinos, related issues 4%
Plains, prairies, flat land, grasslands, wide open spaces 3%
Home, family and/or friends live there 3%
A state, near
Texas, near Nebraska, Midwest, west or south of me 3%
Rednecks, backwards, uneducated hicks, trailer trash 2%
Dustbowl, depression, “The Grapes of Wrath” by John Steinbeck 2%
Wind, red dirt, dry, hot, desolate, tumbleweeds 2%
Cowboys, ranches, cattle, steaks, rodeos, horse shows 2%
Tornado, “Tornado Alley”, “twisters” movie 2%

The volunteered response show an accurate reflection of what people think of the state. Only 6% provided truly negative views of the state. The people with the response 'Rednecks, backwards, uneducated hicks, trailer trash' was the most troubling in the survey. Also something that caught my attention was lack of response in the area of weather, even though Oklahoma's economic future is highly dependent on weather.


Monday, February 05, 2007

First 2008 Primary Poll

No surprises as far as the front runners. McCain and Clinton just have a better name identification.
I would be surprised if Clinton is able to finish 2nd in Oklahoma. In the first poll so far Clinton garnered 28% of democrats; Edwards 23%, Obama 14%. The problem with the poll was that it included Al Gore and John Kerry, who combined received 12% of democratic support; even though they won't run. Also the poll was taken right after Obama's announcement and in the middle of Hillary's announcement. Under those circumstances Obama and Clinton should have had higher numbers; meaning that this poll bodes well for Edwards who was out of the spotlight.
On the republican side, it is just as useless. Leave it to the Tulsa World to insert Rice, who is considered a serious presidential candidate by almost no one. The GOP numbers are McCain 25%, Giuliani 17, Rice 16%, Gingrich 13%.

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