Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Oklahoma Senate Republicans vote aginst Economic Development

Yes that is exactly what happened in the Senate Appropriations Committee as the Republicans voted against moving Oklahoma forward and decided that the status quo is just fine. Education is necessary for economic development, why else are the 'tax burdened' states of New Jersey, Washington, New York, California experiencing such rapid economic growth. The answer: the education level of those states far exceed that of Oklahoma's education. Here is something to ponder, often people will talk about how great the suburban schools are, well they are no places of excellence. None of Oklahoma's suburban schools rank in the top 250 high schools according to Newsweek, maybe that is a sign of palaces built for athletics like Tulsa Union's college arena quality multipurpose center. Anyways it is proven the earlier that children attend the better off they are to compete in a global marketplace. So by not investing in the future we are helping to ensure that Oklahoma's next hundred years, Oklahoma will follow instead of lead. The odd thing is that the coasts were just taking note of Oklahoma's progress and talking about business investment as a result, but we wouldn't want good paying jobs anyways!

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