Governor / Lt. Governor Polls
Here are the most recent poll numbers:
Henry 60%
Istook 34%
Undecided 5%
Lt. Governor
Askins 48%
Hiett 42%
Other 2%
Undecided 8%
The internals were also interesting. Istook did well with conseratives, winning 62-31, but horrible with moderates losing 82-15. One odd number among Hispanics Istook is the clear choice 52-32, but it is such a small sample size it really doesn't say much. Clearly so far it shows that Istook did not know what he was talking about when he said that Henry's support was wide but not deep, Henry has kept his large lead in several key groups like rural Oklahomans. Henry continues to have across the board support in most of the internal numbers which is a good sign for a sitting governor to still have wide spread appeal even after making decisions that people don't like.
In the Lt. Governor's race the theme stays the same: a very tight race. With Askins lead just outside the margin of error she has to do well in key areas. She has a big advantage with women voters 56-36, young voters 47-30 and lower income ( less than 40k) 57-33 voters. She needs to do extremely well to win this race with those groups. However, like any close election the winner will need to do well with Independents, they are split pretty evenly. Yet there may be a flaw with this poll since it does not give the Independents candidate as a choice by saying "or Independent E.Z. Million" it may drive votes for him because he is just 'other' as 12% of Independents responded with other.
The poll was taken 8/25/06 - 8/27/06 by Survey USA. The margin of error was ± 4.3% in the Governor's race poll and ± 4.4% in the Lt. Governor's race.
Henry 60%
Istook 34%
Undecided 5%
Lt. Governor
Askins 48%
Hiett 42%
Other 2%
Undecided 8%

In the Lt. Governor's race the theme stays the same: a very tight race. With Askins lead just outside the margin of error she has to do well in key areas. She has a big advantage with women voters 56-36, young voters 47-30 and lower income ( less than 40k) 57-33 voters. She needs to do extremely well to win this race with those groups. However, like any close election the winner will need to do well with Independents, they are split pretty evenly. Yet there may be a flaw with this poll since it does not give the Independents candidate as a choice by saying "or Independent E.Z. Million" it may drive votes for him because he is just 'other' as 12% of Independents responded with other.
The poll was taken 8/25/06 - 8/27/06 by Survey USA. The margin of error was ± 4.3% in the Governor's race poll and ± 4.4% in the Lt. Governor's race.
Labels: Election 2006, Governor, Lt. Governor, Poll
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