Lt. Governor Poll & Money!
The money only gets more interesting. On the Democratic side Jari Askins continues to receive a lot of money from a person named Jari Askins. Of $781,569 in total contributions $530,000 has come from Jari Askins, only $221,734 has come from individuals. In fact Jari only raised 59,960 in this period from individuals while her opponent raised 142,143 this period. This says two things Pete is gaining momentum and he has broad based support. In fact if you look at the overall scheme of things and only consider contributions from individuals Pete Regan has out raised Jari Askins $507,306 to $221,734. The ads Pete is running go right at the heart of things, like does anyone outside of Duncan really support her? I think this race will be close to the finish.
How can you ask if "anyone outside of Duncan" supports Askins and then predict that it will be a close race to the finish? How can it be close if Askins only garners votes from Duncan?
I was just refering to her ads, where only people are shown that are from Duncan.
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