My Picks:

Republicans: Todd Hiett, he is supported by real people. Pruitt just seems to be some rich kid who does not care about public schools. How can Pruitt really serve Oklahoma when in the past he has not served Broken Arrow well. He missed several votes because he was working for the Redhawks from April to Sept. even when the Senate meets from Jan. - May. Hiett may have been caught driving without a license at age 14 but, there is nothing wrong with that when you are on the farm, Pruitt wouldn't understand.
Independents: E.Z. Million (Only Independent running) "Let's get Fired Up.......There is much to be done: 1. Play the OU-Texas Game in Norman in October 7,2006, and then 2. Establish the "Heartland (of America) Bowl in December 2007" The Heartland Bowl is a good idea, but what about sponsors? How about the American Standard Toilet Bowl presented by Quilted Northern. Here is a
Daily Texan story from 2002.

Democrats: Pete Regan, has the energy that this state needs. His fresh ideas are something that Askins lacks. A campaign should be about ideas and goals not just accomplishments and endorsements from mom! What is something big that Jari has done in her years in the legislature? While Askins may have the Jariatrics, Regan will gain bipartisan support for his innovative leadership style.
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