Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Jari Askins Responds

Jari Askins seems to be hurt by Pete Regan's attack on her voting record. In Jari Askins response ad she tells about how upset she his about Regan not telling the truth. She goes on to say that she fought alongside Henry for healthcare, education, and jobs. Yet she does not sight specific votes. She goes on to say that while she was working hard, Pete Regan was just a lobbyist! Pete Regan worked as a lobbyist for special interests like the YMCA and District Attorneys Council. Jari still has yet to refute any of the claims made in Regans attack ads by siting factual evidence, that means it must be true she increased tuition, voted against taxing strip clubs, voted aginst Brad Henry's education plan and raised the Lt. Governor salary. So Peter Regan must be telling the truth!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad Askins isn't sinking to Regan's level. I don't think she needs to convince voters that she is not a friend of strip clubs. She did vote against Henry's Higher Ed initiative because it was an unfunded mandate. Regan claims he'll raise the minimum wage, but he would have no power to do so if he were elected lieutenant governor.
I'd still choose experience and leadership over "charisma" any day.

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"She didn't sight specific votes"
Sight? Really? I'm sure she saw them. She may not have 'cited' them though.

11:30 AM  

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