Monday, July 31, 2006

Post Primary Wrap Up Gov & Lt. Gov

I am behind because I was in DC this week.

No real surprises were made in the Governors race. The number one problem was that Sullivan used his money to attack a well known opponent without establishing what he stood for. He had some good overview ads he just ran them to late.

Lt. Governor I totally underestimated the power of negative ads in the GOP contest. Riley ran one of the most effective campaigns ever. Less than a dollar per vote. Clearly she was in the news enough that she was a viable alternative. Now the race will only heat up and might continue to go negative because the only other option is the guy you are attacking. Pruitt was very strong in Tulsa County while Oklahoma County had the same results as statewide. This time though, Riley of Tulsa County won't be running, so if Pruitt can milk Tulsa voters he has a chance.
On the Democratic side, was it Jim Rogers, or Roy Rogers, or maybe Will Rogers? Rogers won LeFlore, Texas and Sequoyah County. Maybe Accountability Burns should change his name to Will Rogers and run for statewide office, I see a winner! I think this was a clear example of the importance of money. Askins of Stephens Co. Abstract Company, has deep pockets and Pete Regan has rich friends. The runoff won't be easy for Askins even though she got about 30,000 more votes than Pete. The runoff doesn't attract people for state wide contests other than Gov., local contests drive turnout. Look to counties in Southeastern Oklahoma to determine the race, some of which Rogers won. Also Hobson's Senate seat will have a runoff, last election most votes went to Cal, now they are up for grabs.


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