The Truth in Tulsa's DA's Race
While the proponents of Tim Harris are saying the Brett Swab campaign is leading a campaign of misinformation, that is far from the truth. I find it amazing that someone who claims that they make their decisions through God would fault someone for their profession. I remember being taught how Jesus did not take fault on the tax collector; in my humble opinion I believe that he would not take fault in that of a defense attorneys. In fact everyone deserves a lawyer, that is true justice. PERSONAL ASSASSINATION IS NOT VERY CHRISTIAN LIKE. Harris has being attacking Brett Swab individually not just factually; while Swab has only used facts. The facts from the Brett Swab campaign are consistent, not so with the Tim Harris campaign. In fact in my earlier entry about the race I sight two different numbers for conviction rates both from the Harris campaign. That is what I call misinformation.

That is something I don't want to hear from the chief law enforcement officer in Tulsa County. Maybe that's why every law enforcement officer that has endorced someone, has endorsed Brett Swab not Tim Harris. Swab: all Tulsa County FOP's, Former DA Buddy Fallis, and the Tulsa Firefighters. Now according to the Urban Tulsa Weekly, Swab campaign is made up of only old money; since when were police officers and firefighters old money? That is what I call misinformation.

Now I must let you know my bias now, I am close friends with several prosecutors both state and federal. They tell me that the problem is way the office is run. Many who are outside the legal community are unaware that the DA has fired experienced prosecutors, many times for no reason. Now Tim Harris has replaced them with inexperienced new people. That is why the sententes for the crimnals is much lower than it should be. In Harris latest ad he says he has had 13 death penalty convictions. Looks big but when you divide them by the 8 years he has been DA, it comes to 1.625 death penalty convictions a year, far fewer than the number of homicides this year so far which is at last check 41 homicides.
50 homicides in 2004, 69 homicides in 2003 and only 1.625 death penalty convictions a year; Tim Harris as DA just doesn't add up.

"I will not be intimidated by law enforcement."- Tim Harris
That is something I don't want to hear from the chief law enforcement officer in Tulsa County. Maybe that's why every law enforcement officer that has endorced someone, has endorsed Brett Swab not Tim Harris. Swab: all Tulsa County FOP's, Former DA Buddy Fallis, and the Tulsa Firefighters. Now according to the Urban Tulsa Weekly, Swab campaign is made up of only old money; since when were police officers and firefighters old money? That is what I call misinformation.

Now I must let you know my bias now, I am close friends with several prosecutors both state and federal. They tell me that the problem is way the office is run. Many who are outside the legal community are unaware that the DA has fired experienced prosecutors, many times for no reason. Now Tim Harris has replaced them with inexperienced new people. That is why the sententes for the crimnals is much lower than it should be. In Harris latest ad he says he has had 13 death penalty convictions. Looks big but when you divide them by the 8 years he has been DA, it comes to 1.625 death penalty convictions a year, far fewer than the number of homicides this year so far which is at last check 41 homicides.
50 homicides in 2004, 69 homicides in 2003 and only 1.625 death penalty convictions a year; Tim Harris as DA just doesn't add up.
Labels: Election 2006, Tulsa DA
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