Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Governor / Lt. Governor Ads

Governor Monkey Business continues with Bob Sullivan his ad now attacks Istook for being a lawyer. The ad does bring up a good point that voting against lawsuit reform was no pork project so it contrasts the differences between the two candidates. I really like the Istook counterattack ad it is funny but causes Sullivan to have to suffer at the same time due to across the board rejection of Sullivan, i.e. Tulsa World and Daily Oklahoman.

Jim Evanoff said on News 9-KWTV that he will run ads the everday of last week of the campaign. I thought he was joking, but maybe this is true. It sure would be funny if Evanoff had ads and Williamson did not.

Lt. Governor
Pete Regan now has a ad it is wonderful. It starts out with George Nigh talking about Pete then it tells about his connection to the Borens. Next Pete talks about alternative energy. Then comes the kicker a Barry Switzer voice over. You can view this ad on his website. I think the ad really covers a lot of ground, it introduces Pete, it provides new ideas, and has endorsements all in 30 seconds. Yet, it does not seem overwhelming. This the best ad out there period ... so far.

Scott Pruitt continues the movie trailer theme. His overpowering ad is something he can not pull off, but they are a lot more exciting than Heitt's ads. He is the first to strike blood in the Lt. Governors race as he goes on the negative in his ad. Here is the latest Pruitt AD .

Jari Askins has her mother on her ads I guess she is apealling to the JARIatrics! Here ad can be found at her website, click on video 3.

Todd Hiett has a new ad that responds to the claims made in Pruitt's attack ad and attacks Pruitt's voting record. It says that Pruitt missed nearly half of the votes and failed to vote for the largest tax cut.


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