Friday, June 09, 2006

Gubernatorial Finance$

Here is the score sheet from Quarter 1

Candidate/Cash on hand/Out of State Money^/ % Out of state*
Henry- $2,141,653.55 / $ 2,000 / 0.6%
Istook- $ 413,394.40 / $29,750 / 9.1%
Sullivan- $ 613,239.18 / $10,110 / 6.5%
Williamson $ 61,724.84 / $ 100 / 0.3%

My take: First Henry has 3.5 times what his nearest opponent has, and he doesn't have a strong primary opponent either. Another interesting note, Hiett has 1 million on hand that is just short of all GOP gubernatorial candidates combined, a stronger indication that Hiett could have beaten all of these rejects. In fact Hiett would milk their donors dry! Dairy farmers can do that you know. Second a large concentration of donors came from a place I had never heard of, Oklahoma JCity, OK. Now could some one please show me this place on a map please. Third, it appears that Williamson just can't afford the long distance phone bill to raise money out of state, but he did manage to raise money from Cowboy PAC, Yee Haw! Istook has been doing quite fine with voters on K Street in DC (for all those who don't know that is the place where lobbyist reside), in fact he got a contribution from Continental Airlines PAC, whose purpose is to "Support Goals", but Henry received money from OK Asphalt Pavers Association whose purpose is "To Encourge Quality Roadbuilding", I would have never thought that, I always thought they were about Healthcare Reform.

^ Money received from individuals outside of Oklahoma during Q1 2006
* Money received from individuals outside of Oklahoma during Q1 2006 divided by total money received from individuals during Q1 2006

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