Candidate Websites
-Brad Henry- Here is the complete unabridged version of the site: Henry for Governor. Yes that is all the official website says of a campaign with 2.1 million in the bank as of last filing period. That webmaster sure struck it rich!
-Ernest Istook- Flip-flop, he can't choose a color first all read then mostly blue. Best part of his web site is the picture of supporters. Do they really need all those signs or is it a major production right out of the 1930's.

-Bob Sullivan- He seems to be obsessed with himself. The size of BOB on his sign is odd. I guess he thinks it might help with his image as a average Joe. His image is huge it takes up 1/4 of the home page.

-James Williamson- His website reminds me of Peroutka's in 2004, the Constitution Party nominee for President. Also is it just me or does the icon on the address bar look like a nuclear fallout symbol? Signs of things to come?
-Brad Henry- Here is the complete unabridged version of the site: Henry for Governor. Yes that is all the official website says of a campaign with 2.1 million in the bank as of last filing period. That webmaster sure struck it rich!
-Ernest Istook- Flip-flop, he can't choose a color first all read then mostly blue. Best part of his web site is the picture of supporters. Do they really need all those signs or is it a major production right out of the 1930's.

-Bob Sullivan- He seems to be obsessed with himself. The size of BOB on his sign is odd. I guess he thinks it might help with his image as a average Joe. His image is huge it takes up 1/4 of the home page.

-James Williamson- His website reminds me of Peroutka's in 2004, the Constitution Party nominee for President. Also is it just me or does the icon on the address bar look like a nuclear fallout symbol? Signs of things to come?
Labels: Election 2006, Governor
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