Friday, July 21, 2006

My predictions

Istook 58%
Sullivan 21%
Williamson 17%
Evanoff 4%

Henry 91%
Marr 9%

Lt. Gov.
Hiett 50.1%
Pruitt 41.4%
Riley 8.5%

Askins 36%
Regan 32%
Hobson 31%
Rogers 1%

State Treasurer*
Barnett 54%
Keating 46%

Commissioner of Labor (Huh, there is an election? - Joe Voter)@
Shurden 52%
Fields 48%

Insurance Commissioner (Huh, there is an election? - Joe Voter)@
Case 60%
Willard 40%

Fallin 30%
Cornett 28%
Bode 25%
Calvey 9%
Morgan 7%
Roy 1%

Hunter 54%
Smith 46%

Tulsa DA#

Swab 51%
Harris 49%

*Dependent on turnout of tax protesters, high turnout will swing election to Keating
#Based on an above average turnout. The higher the turnout the more likely Swab will win.
@Not really based on much, really a crapshoot. These races are virtual tossups.


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