Saturday, April 28, 2007

Can't wait for Gravel to debate again!

Sen. Mike Gravel is just so entertaining, he really livens up the debate. His passion makes Howard Dean look like Al Gore.

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Friday, April 27, 2007

Mary Fallin shows her smarts!

At today's fundraiser in Tulsa where Dick Cheney appeared, Mary Fallin showed off her smarts. At the event people wore name tags. Before the picture of each donor was taken with the Vice President, the name tags were moved to the back. Then after they had their pictures taken they moved the tag back to the front. Well everyone did except Fallin, who walked around with her name tag on her backside through out the event. It almost seemed like Fallin was wearing a big 'kick me' sign on her back.


Cheney Fundraiser Scaled Back

While much of the media is painting the Cheney appearance at a fundraiser as a great success, I don't see it that way. Originally the fundraiser was to include a round table discussion with donors who not only gave the maximum personally, but bundled several thousand more in addition. By the visit of Cheney being cut short it is a signal that Cheney is not the draw he was just 3 years ago. Also it could spell trouble for the Inhofe campaign as a far a fundraising. The crowd for this event was remarkably less then the turnout for the 2004 event also held in Tulsa. Given that Oklahoma is one of the few places that Cheney can still effectively raise money, the recent showing may be a sign of the inability of the White House to aide congressional candidates in 2008.

On the protester side of things, it is actually pretty remarkable that protesters were there at all. The low level of publicity of the event seemed it was destined for uneventful day. However ten protesters were cited and one arrested. This doesn't normally happen with a quick Vice Presidential visit, especially in Oklahoma.

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Friday, April 20, 2007

Senate Will uphold Henry's Veto on 714

The piece of legislation by Sen. Williamson (R-Tulsa) that eliminates the practice of abortions even under the situations of rape and incest was vetoed by Governor Henry on Wednesday, only had 16 Senators vote against it one fewer than needed to protect a veto. While Williamson claims that he could get 32 votes to override the veto, it seems unlikely. Yesterday, Sen. Rabon told me that Democrats have at least 17 solid votes to uphold the veto. On interesting note is that if it had not lacked the exemptions for rape and incest, it would probably be law.

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Friday, April 06, 2007

Rinehart should step down.

The charges against embattled Oklahoma County Commissioner Bert Rinehart and his campaign manager Tim Pope include money laundering, conspiracy, and perjury in relation to fund raising in Rinehart's 2004 campaign. Personally, I question the need for all the funds because I received numerous prices of campaign literature and don't live in Rinehart's district. I don't even live in Oklahoma County, this campaign had poorly run operation all over it. With Rinehart dealing with the court proceeding of this case, there is no way he can competently serve as commissioner. It is time for him to step down. If Rinehart does not step down on his own, Commissioners Roth and Vaughn should take steps to remove him.