Thursday, March 29, 2007

Rudy in Oklahoma

I think this picture from the Oklahoman pretty much shows that Rudy has already embraced the Oklahoma way of life.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Flashback: 2002 Lottery Campaign

Oddly enough with the recent moves of GOP chairman Tom Daxon, the legitimacy of the lottery has come in to question.
Here is an anti-lottery ad from the campaign.


Monday, March 26, 2007

Bloomberg News

In today's Washington Post Michael Shear pointed toward the possibility of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg running as an independent candidate for president in 2008. This move would radically change the landscape of 2008 presidential field. Since Bloomberg is a billionaire, he could enter the race far later than other contenders, painting himself as the true alternative. While the Washington Post speculates that he could spend up too 500 million on presidential campaign, he could spend far less and still be rather competitive. With the typical primary season shift to the base of both major parties, Bloomberg could easily capture the middle 60% of Americans who don't view them self as either liberal or conservative. Just like Perot was in 1992, Bloomberg could be a viable alternative to the major party candidates, also he is more appealing because he does not have some of the odd mannerisms that Ross 'The Boss' Perot did. Bloomberg also has real world experience in business and government; governing a city more than twice the size of Oklahoma. While Bloomberg probably won't run it would be interesting to have a viable third option.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Boxer puts Inhofe in his place.

"Elections have consequences, so I make the rules." said Sen. Boxer while holding up her gavel to remind James Inhofe that he is now in the minority. This came about after Inhofe had tried to take control of the committee hearing on global warming, one of Inhofe's favorite subjects. In reality all he was really trying to due is undermine Gore's stance by binding Gore as a hypocrite. He asked exactly what Gore's documentary asked,"Are you ready to change the way you live?", Inhofe did this in reaction to findings that Gore's home used far more energy than the average American. What this really did to show was the weakness of the Oklahoma Congressional delegation; by aligning with primarily one party Oklahoma loses out big.

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