RIED Scores = Bogus

Some of the scores just prove that the RIED scores can not be taking seriously:
Adelson 60 Has sponsored minimum wage and healthcare funding bills. One of the most liberal members of the Senate.
Brogdon 60 Biggest proponent behind TABOR. One of the most conservative members of the Senate.
Hastings 7 cumulative 62. One of the most pro business legislator I can think of!
Nations 52 cumulative 63. Not exactly anti-business, but not at the level of Hastings in support of Business.
Now I know these ratings are supposed to influence voters opinion, but do voters read the ratings? I have yet to meet a voter who even mentions the RIED ratings when talking about a candidate. Also the ratings are supposed to influence how a legislator votes, yet it fails miserably at that. The legislators don't know which votes affected their scores so how can they improve their record? One sign of their uselessness, one Senator said, "I like to get a failing score!"
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